Kansas City/Central US Services

Johnson County | Jackson County

Leading Regional Payroll Service Provider 

With the origins of Performance Pay right here in Johnson and Jackson counties, we know the competitive business environment and what it takes to thrive in this prolific region of the country. We know your business needs to be focused on performance and growth which is why we developed the services that support your team so your precious resources and time are spent on what is crucial for your success. Let our expert team take on the many moving parts of payroll and employee tracking so your team can grow and expand your reach throughout the Kansas City metro region, nationally, and even globally.

Our team provides you with a dedicated payroll service team representative to handle all your needs with top customer support service satisfaction. Our services you will find competitvely priced and less expensive than most large conventional service bureaus, and with far greater capacity to adapt to any specialized needs your industry requires and your team is seeking.

We can empower your teams growth and performance with top customer service and the specialized software tools required for your organizations success.

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